-Photo is from Freepik and all quotes from The Declaration of Independence are from the booklet titled “The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence” (Printed Under the Direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, Twenty-fifth Edition)-
The Awe-striking Declaration
“WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation…”
As the gentleman read aloud, I presume tears of joy, honor, and fear filled the audiences eyes.
Six days prior to this reading, the vote was made for the Declaration of Independence with 13 out of 13 colonies responding with a unanimous, “Yes” for the document. Although the votes didn’t all start out that way, July 2nd marked the final, consentaneous vote. Two days after the vote, July 4th, 1776, 248 years ago, marked the completion and printing of this bold, liberating Declaration.
I can imagine cheers and “Huzzah”‘s being proclaimed as the Liberty Bell was rung, July 8th, the day of the public reading.
“WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…”
This well-defined, imperfect document was just the beginning of America’s freedom.
The Awe-striking Truth of America
Learning and meditating on all that the records show of how 13 colonies, crawling with ‘rebels’, turned into 50 UNITED States, independent from a power-hungry king who once shackled them with unjust laws and poverty, would bring the intellectual soul to a sense of awe with the understanding that this could not have just been done by mere humans.
America’s historical documents are simply humming with evidence that God’s Divine hand has brought us to this position of liberty, and through His providence we can clearly see His awesome and intimate desire to shower us with grace and mercy.
The Striking Truth of America
We have proof from history and witnesses from present time on how good the Lord God is and always desires to swarm us with love and intimacy that He, in His goodness and justice, simply cannot do if we continue to regard iniquity in our hearts (Psalm 66:18). The hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, threatenings of wars, and so on should be America’s wake up call that our Creator will soon turn His back on us if we continue to turn our back on Him.
America, like Israel, has shunned her God once He has blessed her with freedom.
Just how the change from “Colonies” to “States” was made purely by men who loved liberty so much that they proclaimed that the only other option to said liberty was death; we must take a stand, one by one, and proclaim that the only way to true freedom is through the blood of Jesus Christ.
The Striking Truth for You
Dear reader, Heaven and Hell exists. Judgement day is coming.
Approximately 166,859 people die per day, and out of that 166,859 people, most – if not all – of them had no idea when their last day was going to be. When you go to bed tonight, you could lie down on your pillow and never wake up on earth again.
This is not fiction, but a reality each and every one of us must face; this is as serious as the blood that was shed from our Founding Fathers and fellow-fighters in the fight for liberty for our nation.
The Creator of America, Israel, and the whole entire universe will judge the sinner on that final day according to God’s Holy Law.
Will you be innocent or guilty?
- Have you ever told a lie?
- Have you ever stolen anything, even if it was small?
- Have you ever looked with lust? (Jesus says, “That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Matthew 5:28).
- Have you ever used God’s name in vain? (“OMG”)
Although these are only a few of the Ten Commandments, God says that all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8), no thieves nor adulterers will inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) and that the Lord will hold no man guiltless that takes His name in vain (Exodus 20:7). God tells us that whoever breaks just one of the Commandments is guilty of breaking them all (James 2:10).
Standing next to other people, you may look pretty good, but next to God’s Holy Law, no man will be found innocent. – For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
Simply asking for God to forgive you will not pardon you either.
As an example, say you are in a court of law and the judge has found you guilty of committing the most horrendous crimes. There’s proof and witnesses attesting to these crimes. The judge has you on death row, and just before he slams the gavel, you turn to him and say, “Judge, please! I know I’ve done wrong, but you seem like a good person. Won’t you just forgive me?”
That would be insane! The judge would turn down your plea and because of his goodness, he will see that you receive the proper sentence for your crimes.
However, God doesn’t find pleasure in the death of the wicked. So, He made a way for us to live in Heaven for all eternity after life on earth.
The Awe-striking Truth for You
The Ten Commandments are called the Moral Law. You and I broke the Law, Jesus paid the fine.
Going back to the court scenario, say you were facing the judge as the guilty party, and the judge sentences you to pay a fine of $1,000,000. Once you tell the judge you cannot pay, the moment he goes to sentence you to jail, someone in the gallery stands up and offers to pay the fine for you. If you accept this stranger’s gift to you, you can LEGALLY walk out free from jail and debt.
God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to take our sins upon Himself and suffer and die a cruel death as payment for our sins.
If you simply believe on Jesus, repent of your sins – which means to confess and turn from them – and trust in Jesus like you would trust a parachute, you will have eternal life – “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” John 1:12.
Say you were 60,000 feet above the ground in an airplane and you then hear the captain’s voice through the speakers, saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, the engine has malfunctioned and the plane is crashing down. Please put on your parachutes.”
The simple belief in the parachute working will not be enough to save you from this crashing plane. You first must put it on. In putting that parachute on, you are placing your entire trust in it.
You are entrusting your very life to it.
Trusting Jesus is more than a simple belief. You are entrusting your very life into His hands.
He is the way, the truth and the life – John 14:6.
Our Founding Fathers understood that the only way to life and liberty was through the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether or not you’ve just now received God’s awe-striking gift of salvation, or have accepted it prior to reading, I pray that you, too, will use the voice God gave you to proclaim the truth that He is The Only Hope for America.
May God bless you with this knowledge.
A simple servant for Jesus’ sake,